
Town line is now being offered as a Venue site! Under Red Barn LLC. Come check out what we have to offer at the wedding show!


Come Join us & Celebrate at the Holiday Farm Festival (Click the Pictures to find out more!)

Open to the general public
Admission fees (Cash only):
$10 per adult
$5 per child
(5 years and under are free)

We will be having:
-Christmas Lights
-Food Shelf Drive (Bring canned or boxed food item)
-Pony Ring Rides (additional fee)
-Hot cocoa, cider, tea, coffee
Molly Marie Photography on-site to do family photos or holiday photos (additional fees)
-Mini Petting Zoo


Please join us as we take these next few weeks to say our goodbyes to Sir and Reina.

Sir, at about 27 years old, has cancer and is suffering from great pain and discomfort. Reina’s health is also failing and she is in severe pain as well. We do not take these decisions lightly and while we do not wish to see our horse friends leave, we know their time with us has come to a close.

Reina has primarily been a pasture pet at Town Line Farms. Sir has carried many of our students from their first lead-line walk through to speed competitions. Please enjoy some photos of Sir from the last few years <3